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Good, bad and the ugly

How do you keep yourself motivated?  A question I've been asked many times of late. 

The short answer is I set goals and have a clear action plan to achieving them.  Goals and action plans go hand in hand and in my experience one without the other leads to inconsistency and lack of drive and purpose. 

With goals it has to be something that really resonates with you.  Something you're truly passionate about and/or something you really 'truly' desire.  

Here's an example, weight loss.  Such an easy (and common) goal yet something I have personally struggled with most of my adult life.  I've lost count of how many times over the past years I have set a goal to 'lose weight'.  Each and every time, sure it's worked but then I soon got bored with it and reverted back to my old ways.  These old ways weren't neccesarily eat more.  No in fact it was, "I'm too busy".  You see, surprisingly I don't eat nearly as much as what my 'size' looks like, I just ate at the wrong times and didn't exercise, at all.  I mean how can one expect to lose weight or maintain for that matter if all you do is eat, sleep, work repeat.  And the times I chose to eat, well heart attack waiting to happen.  I'd do the usual, skip breakfast, eat lunch occasionally and then eat like I was starving (because I literally was) at dinner time then go to bed.  And that buzz was on repeat for years. 

So what changed this time? 

Well my "goal" rather than "loss weight" was complete the Tongariro Crossing.  (So I thought).  ...segway to action plan. 

In order to do Tongariro I clearly needed to be able to walk at least 8-10 hours.  In December 2016 you'd be lucky if I could do an hour without feeling like I needed paramedics.  So I set myself some realistic and achieveable actions. 

1.  Walk at least 30 mins a day, non stop every day

2.  Walk at least 8k steps per day

3.  Drink at least 6 glasses of water a day

4.  Make exercise a priority.  Before my day started I needed to move for at least 30mins a day no matter what. 

5.  Play squash at least 3 times a week after work

As the days and weeks went by it became much easier.  It became my new routine. It really did become like any normal daily task like brushing your teeth.  I had days where I would get itchy feet if I hadn't moved for an hour.  I became obsessed with my fitbit and constantly checked my steps.  Some nights if I was 100 or so steps away from a rounded figure I would get out of bed and pace the hallway.  (I still do that.  Last week I was 1k away from 15k so I walked around the lounge while watching TV just to get to 15k).

While my goal was to do Tongariro the underlining driver was to get healthier.  Tongariro was just the start.  

Now that I've achieved that I absolutely know I can take on any physical challenge I set my mind to.  I mean seriously, who would have thought at 127kgs I was going to be able to walk that "Advanced" graded track?  To be fair I always knew I would but if I'm honest I didn't tell many people of my plans to do it until the day before.  I'm not sure why I didn't because I always believed I could and would, there was no doubt in my mind about that but I guess there may have been a fear of judgement, doubt and of course being laughed at.  Strange that because I really couldn't care what people thought of me but then really is that entirely true?  Perhaps not!

Either way, achieving Tongariro was so liberating in so many ways.  I've always thought of myself as someone who is determined and driven yet achieving that took me to another level.  

For years I've been surrounded by love and support by my parents, brothers, my husband and beautiful friends and family.  To see so many people celebrate my small milestones along the way has been an amazing blessing.  And quietly in her most gorgeous spiritual way my beloved nana has been with me every step of the way.  To this day as I'm beating the streets or climbs I'm often reminded she's there encouraging me along.  Sometimes it's a burst of air as I'm completely exhausted or a leaf drop in front of me or even her scent, she's there reminding me that life is precious and nothing will be handed to me on a platter. 

In saying this it hasn't always been as easy as it sounds.  In fact a couple of weeks ago I had a slight detour.  I ate out four nights in a row and gained 2kgs!  That's right BUT the trick is accept it, don't dwell and reset yourself.  

I was gutted but reminded myself of the awesome work I had done, this is just life so embrace the learning opportunity and take action!  I also still treat myself so it's not about starving yourself either it's just be prepared to exercise a little bit longer to still enjoy the little treats in life.  

Btw, I since lost those two kgs too. 😅 

So the moral of this story is, be kind to yourself and set some realistic goals, that truly matter.  Whatever you come up with, ask yourself why?  Often you'll find the why leads to the real goal, the first one is just scratching the surface.  

Tongariro was my reason, my goal was really 'get healthy to live a full life'.  A full life is being here for my family.  Bottom line.  And then just as important, what do you need to do to make this a reality, be clear on what actions must you take then...execute!  

Today I share a photo taken in July last year.  When I look at it I cannot believe that was me 9 months ago.  I've pondered on whether I share it at all, again fear of judgement BUT I know there are many like me out there that need the entire truth, good, bad and the ugly so this is for you.  

It takes courage to share this but it takes even more to do something about it so I hope that sharing these   reminds you that your mind and body can achieve anything you set your mind to. It may not even have anything to do with weight loss or fitness.  Whatever it is, you can do it.  Back yourself all the way and go for it!

Green singlet was taken in July last year.  Pic on the left was taken last night.

Pic on the right was taken in October last year.  Bye bye muffin 🤣

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