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Backing yourself and others

Last October I was invited to speak at the 4th Annual Public Sector Women in Leadership Summit at Te Papa Museum to share my leadership journey, which spans over a 20 year period.

Wow, as I see that, '20 years' it's hard to believe it's been that long, anyway I digress...

As I prepared for my presentation I reflected on the teams I have had the privilege to be part of and lead yet there was one team, although I didn't know it at the time, that shaped the foundation that underpins my family, in particular my parents and beloved nana.

Not realising it at the time they demonstrated resilience, courage, confidence, the importance to back yourself, and most importantly service to others. Service to others, for me is about going beyond your own needs and being driven by how your actions enable others to thrive. That's absolutely what they demonstrated every day. Despite whatever set backs, walls or 'locked doors' they encountered they always raised above it all because we, their kids were are the heart of everything.

A lot of these lessons have influenced my own journey, some positive and some not so, yet I believe my greatest lessons have come from the less than positive experiences. While they didn't define my future they formed the fabric of who I am and without having gone through some challenging times I wouldn't be who I am today. What a gift they have given me and for that I am grateful.

The presentation itself was amazing. I mean how could you not feel honoured to share your journey let alone people want to hear about it. Of course I was nervous beforehand, it's only natural but as I reflected in the days after I felt extremely proud and grateful. I know on that day my special angel walked beside me, stood with me and celebrated with me.

As the days draw nearer to what would have been my beloved nanas 92nd birthday I give thanks to have had such a strong role model in my life. I give thanks for the many blessings she bestowed on my me during her time here on earth and continues to do so from her special place in heaven.

Ann x

This photo was taken almost 16 years ago at our wedding, a day after her birthday. She is such a treasure x

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