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#27 - Progress is so rewarding

Its been a busy two weeks since I started my latest quest smashing out walks and averaging 10ks a day, which I'm pretty stoked about. I’ve played squash 13 of the last 14 days on top of my walks and have shed 3.9 kgs, bonus.

I believe I’ve been able to achieve this because I've made exercise a priority…like really made it a priority, first time ever. Above all else before my day starts I beat the streets for at least 45mins, although most have been closer to 60. I think being obsessed with my step count on my Fitbit has also helped as I’m constantly checking it which makes me move.

My first target was 90k steps over a 7 day period which I nailed pretty quickly so I moved to 100k. I've been hitting 100k for just over a week now so naturally it's time to stretch again. My ultimate target is 20k a day, totally achievable, I've hit over 18500 a couple of times so I can definitely do 20k. Bring it!

On a slightly different note but still on the subject of walking. In a few weeks Bryan and I will be doing Round the Bays with my parents. The parentals are pretty excited to take part and are especially looking forward to receiving their race bibs. They haven’t done anything like this before and I'm pretty excited to share this with them.

The Pili/Smith Family Round the Bays Team

The official charity partner of this event is Achilles International NZ. This charity change lives daily by enabling people with all disabilities to participate in mainstream running events to promote personal achievement. This is something that is close to our families heart because our mum lives with inflammatory arthritis in her hands and wrists and osteoarthritis in her knees, both of them!

I admire her strength and positive attitude towards her disability, although it's fair to say it wasn't always like that but who can blame her. Over the years she's found ways to accept and live more freely with her disability despite the agony we know she's in particularly during the colder months. Being such a strong independent women she likes to do as much as she can without the aide of her walking stick and over the years she's given less thought to what she can't do and focused more on what she can. Couldn't be more prouder of our mamabear.

Charities like Achilles and in mums case, Arthritis NZ have enabled her and many other NZers live a more fuller life so it was a no brainer for us to also fundraise for Achilles International through Round the Bays.

We’d love your support so if you can spare some dollars we’d be most grateful. Maybe a dollar a kilometre, that’s $6.50, it all helps and will go towards a worthy cause which is a 100% volunteer organisation. You can do this by clicking on the link below to go to our family page. Thank you in advance and thank you to our friends and family who have already contributed x

I can't wait to share some pics of the walk but for now check out some pics from my adventures over the past couple of weeks

Ciao for now x

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